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URPP Evolution in Action: From Genomes to Ecosystems

Marta Pinto

Marta Pinto, Dr.

  • Department of Plant and Microbial Biology


Danneels B, Pinto-Carbó M, Carlier A (2018).

Patterns of Nucleotide Deletion and Insertion Inferred from Bacterial Pseudogenes (

Genome Biology and Evolution, July 2018, Pages 1792–1802


Pinto-Carbó M, Gademann K,  Eberl L, Carlier A (2018).

Leaf nodule symbiosis: function and transmission of obligate bacterial endophytes (

Current Opinion in Plant Biology, August 2018, Pages 23-31


Pinto-Carbó M, Sieber S, Dessein S, Wicker T, Verstraete B, Gademann K, Eberl L, Carlier A (2016).

Evidence of horizontal gene transfer between obligate leaf nodule symbionts (

The ISME Journal, September 2016


Carlier A, Fehr L, Pinto-Carbó M, Schäberle T, Reher R, Dessein S, König G, Eberl L (2016).

The genome analysis of Candidatus Burkholderia crenata reveals that secondary metabolism may be a key function of the Ardisia crenata leaf nodule symbiosis (

Environmental Microbiology, August 2016, Pages 2507–2522